Frequently Asked Questions

Not quite sure how the contest works? Here’s a quick rundown of questions and answers:

  1. Do I have to bake at the contest? No. Competitors will bake their items at home and bring them to the Wilson Abbey (935 West Wilson, enter through Everybody’s Coffee) the morning of the competition. Entries will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. that morning, Saturday, July 20, 2024.
  2. What does “amateur” mean, exactly? We are looking for people who do not get paid for baking. If you work as a barista but bake at home, we would consider you an amateur. If you work or have worked as a baker and gotten paid for that work, you are a professional.
  3. Can I enter only one category? Absolutely! There will be prizes and ribbons given to the top 3 in each category, just like a State Fair.
  4. How do I win the title “Chicago’s Best Baker”? Enter at least 5 categories. The judges will look at your items together and choose the best grouping to award the title of “Chicago’s Best Baker.”
  5. My question is not on this list. How do I get an answer? Look at our registration & rules or email us at